The Court of Appeal has fixed 31 March 2023 as the date for hearing the case of Sam Ke Ting. She has applied to appeal against the High Court's conviction of reckless or causing death by dangerous driving.
The Court of Appeal held a fourth case management session through videoconference, and the date for the application hearing was also set. Sam's legal team said that the High Court had provided the team with the required documents for the record on appeal.
Written submissions are required in the case of Sam Ke Ting by 16 March 2023

Shen Ke Ting's legal team said that the prosecution and defense must file written submissions by March 16 next year. The Court of Appeal has also set March 17 next year, as the last date for case management.
Shen Ke Ting was acquitted by the Johor Bahru Magistrates' Court on October 28 2019, and released on the spot. The prosecution appealed to the Johor Bahru High Court on November 10 2019, but the High Court acquitted Shen Ke Ting of the charge, and she had to return to the Presiding Officer's Court to defend herself. However, the High Court still found Shen not guilty of the offense. The prosecution lodged another appeal.
On April 13 this year, the High Court overturned two acquittals by the Puisne Court and convicted Shen Keating of causing death by reckless or dangerous driving. She is now out on $10,000 and a surety bond.