How frequently do we hear the phrase “don't take it personally, it's just business” in the workplace? While some people can move on, others harbour a grudge for a long time. Teddy Chan and Jackie Chan are two examples.
Teddy Chan is a well-known Hong Kong director who has worked on movies like “Downtown Torpedoes,” “Downtown Torpedoes,” “Bodyguards and Assassins,” and “Kung Fu Jungle,” among others. Teddy, however, initially entered the world of film as Jackie's personal assistant.
The 64-year-old described his path from starting out at the young age of 18 to being an assistant director and actor, and ultimately becoming a filmmaker in his own right in his recently published autobiography titled “Leave Your Sorrows To The Movies”/”Cinema Of Sadness.” It's enlightening to read about his difficult life throughout the years and the rocky rides he had to take.
Naturally, Teddy spilling the beans about his battle with venerable star Jackie Chan is one of the highlights. There were numerous benefits to having the chance to serve as Jackie's right-hand man. Getting to polish the shoes of a famous person was a privilege back then. His perseverance paid off, and he was given the chance to direct a movie as a result. Sadly, that meant he was unable to commit to Jackie.
Over the next two decades, Jackie disregarded him at public gatherings because she was very offended and didn't know he was there. It goes without saying that whenever the pair ran into each other at events, there was always tension. They didn't have the opportunity to make amends in person until they got back together for Teddy's action movie “The Accidental Spy,” which Jackie starred in and was released in 2001.
Teddy eventually learned why the venerable performer took it so badly. A close acquaintance claimed that throughout his career in show business, “no one had dared to quit on him.” Jackie was always the one firing people on his terms. It's comforting to know that Teddy has reestablished his good standing with Jackie and even convinced his lifelong buddy to provide a prologue to his book.